I greet you in the name and love of Jesus Christ.
I urge all United Methodists in Western Pennsylvania to respond to the invitation we have received from the World Council of Churches (WCC) and Pope Francis to join in the Lord’s Prayer on Wednesday, March 25th at noon. Let us take this opportunity as siblings in Christ to unite our voices and pray as our brother, Savior, and Redeemer taught us to pray. I encourage you to pray in the language of your heart.
Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, the WCC general secretary, welcomed the opportunity for so many people to participate in a united prayer for all of humanity as the world faces the pandemic of COVID-19. He said:
As people across the globe are in their scattered working places at home, we will have the opportunity to unite our voices in praying to God with the words that our Lord Jesus Christ taught us. At this challenging time, prayerful activities that unite us are a reminder that we are one human family.
In times like this, the church should give witness to our faith and unity in Christ. Despite social distancing, through prayer we can together enter into the presence of Christ and the communion of believers.
Western Pennsylvania Annual Conference
Bishop@wpaumc.org | 724.776.1499