An A Capella Vespers Service

A note from the minster of music:
Dear people of MLUMC,
Thank you so much for your warm welcome last week as we resumed indoor services for the fall. I was touched that you gave me such an enthusiastic reception – I am looking forward to as many years of worshipping and growing together as God will grant us.I’d like to invite you to a new opportunity for worship that the music department is spearheading. Beginning on Saturday, 26 September, members of the choir will be offering an a cappella vespers service. It is patterned after the ancient service of compline, an hour of prayer and song that is traditionally held before retiring for the evening. It is my hope that the quiet and centering tone of the service will provide a sense of calm amidst the tumult and strife of the world around us. If you will not be able to join us in person, we are planning to record the service so that it may be viewed at one’s convenience.
If this sounds like an appealing spiritual opportunity for you, then we will hope to see you at 7:00 PM on Saturday the 26th.
God’s peace to you,
Mitchell Stecker