We gather together to ask the Lord’s blessing; He chastens and hastens his will to make known. The wicked oppressing now cease from distressing. Sing praises to his name; he forgets not his own. (UMH #131)
God is with us. That is a theme in the lyrics of the familiar hymn, “We Gather Together.” The hymn reassures us that God was with us through the months of the pandemic challenge, and that the Lord will be with us in the future, no matter our circumstances. So as we begin once more to gather together – for fellowship, worship, and service – let’s not forget to gather in gratitude and to offer our gifts in support of our church’s ministry in the coming year.
A 2022 Estimate of Giving Card has been made available during worship and was mailed to church members and friends. Additional cards are on the narthex literature tables. We invite you to return the card by mail or in-person.
If you have chosen to suspend attendance at worship because of the pandemic, you may want to make your pledge of support online. Look at the heading on this page, select the category “Giving,” and you’ll see a drop down menu. If you choose “Overview” from the menu, you can read about the different methods of giving online.
Your financial gifts will help cover the costs of implementing the church’s ministries, worship, fellowship and mission. To find out more, you can view the following videos discussing how your gifts bless this church and honor God. The videos are from 3 to 5 minutes in length: