Christ the Lord is risen today, Allelluia!
You don’t have to be standing in the sanctuary to be raising your voice for this hymn on Sunday. You can be watching your phone or ipad at home and singing your heart out with the church you love. That’s because the 10:45 traditional Easter Sunday service will be live on your computer device.
Just before 10:45 a.m. on Sunday, select the link for the service. It will be provided below. If you are unable to watch the Easter service live, a link of the recorded service will be here later and available on our Facebook pages. You can also follow along with a bulletin. Select the bulletin link below for a pdf. You may then follow the service from a screen or print the pdf for a paper version.
Our video provider Mr. Todd Kaczorowski of Tenband Productions is donating this production to the church in honor of his mother Janet Olson.
Select this link to view the livestreamed traditional Easter service.
Select this link for a bulletin of the Traditional Easter service.