FREE and Free Will Offering
Friday, April 15 4-7 PM Asbury Center
Dine-in or Take-out
This year’s Good Friday Fish Fry is on Friday, April 15th, from 4 to 7pm. There is no charge for the meal, although donations are accepted. Choose eat-in or take-out. COVID 19 safety protocols will be in place to ensure that all are comfortable whether eating-in or taking-out.
The menu includes cod (baked or fried), French fries, cole slaw, macaroni and cheese, hush puppies, a sandwich roll, and a cookie packet. Those eating-in also have access to beverages, fruit, and desserts.
Also available – pre-packaged communion elements and a written message from Pastor Tom with instructions on how to take the elements. For a brief communion service on video, you can watch “The Table of the Lord,” on this website included in the “Communion at Home with Friday Fish Fry” post. Pastor Tom will also be on site to serve communion in person.
And while at our Good Friday Fish Fry, you can visit A COVID 19 vaccination clinic sponsored by the Allegheny Health Network in the Welcome Center. Select this link for more Information.