We are LIVE! Livestreaming that is. MLUMC has recently installed cameras and upgraded the sound system in the sanctuary to enable our message to reach well beyond the walls of the church on a weekly basis. Your help is now needed to ensure we can offer this ministry every week. There are three jobs we are looking to help staff:
- Running the slide show – this role follows along in worship and advances the slides for liturgy and hymns. It is as easy as a single button push.
- Running the Livestream – This role uses a simple button pad to activate preprogrammed camera sequences to change camera shots during the service. The shots are laid out in a script to follow along with the bulletin.
- Running the sound system – this role makes minor adjustments to the sound during the service to account for speaker volume and turn microphones on/off when they are used.
Generally the content and setup will be done each week such that the systems are ready for you to participate in worship and enable God’s word to reach others. If you are interested or just curious, consider sitting in the balcony at the 10:45 service to get a look at the operation. For more information or to volunteer, contact Kirk Lowe, klowe1@gmail.com or Monica Kao, mkao@mlumc.org.