This past Sunday, May 23rd, Mt. Lebanon United Methodist Church welcomed seven young men and women into the Methodist Church. As a congregation, we are asked to help increase their faith, confirm their hope and perfect them in love. If you did not attend last week’s 10:45 service, take a few minutes to view their […]
Author: Sarah Boice Stecker
Sunday School From Home Week of May 23
Sunday School From Home In the church, we use different colors to signify different parts of the liturgical year. Red is the color for Pentecost because it reminds us of the color of the flames on the disciples’ heads. The activities are appropriate for a variety of ages including adults. You can forward this on […]
2021 Graduates
Congratulations to MLUMC’s 2021 graduates. Before taking a look at our short video of this year’s graduates, let’s share in a blessing. “May your voices rise up to pronounce justice and peace in the world. May your achievements grow and cause growth in your communities. And may we all know the overwhelming blessings of the […]
Spring/Summer 2021, The Window
It’s “Faith for Today” time, as well as Confirmation and Graduation – all in this issue of The Window. Articles on how MLUMC is working through the pandemic are also included. You can read the newsletter by selecting this link: Spring/Summer 2021 edition of The Window.
Evensong for Aldersgate Day
Evensong for Aldersgate Day, will take place at 7:30 PM, Monday, 24 May, in the sanctuary. Commemorating John Wesley’s experience of feeling “his heart strangely warmed” on Aldersgate Street in London on May 24, 1738, this service of prayer, preaching, and song will feature music and poetry by Wesley family members Charles (1707-1788) Samuel (1766-1837), and Samuel Sebastian […]
Terrific Thursday – May 20, 6:30 – 8 pm
Terrific Thursday is being planned for Thursday, May 20th, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. We will begin with dinner provided by the church, followed by activities for children, youth, and adults. The adults will engage in a study of Philippians 4:4-8, entitled “Anxious for Nothing: Finding Calm in a Chaotic World.” You are invited […]
Sunday School From Home Week of May 16
Sunday School From Home Peter visits Tabitha (Dorcus) and performs a miracle! Tabitha was well known and liked in her community because she went out of her way to help others. She made beautiful clothing for those in need. Do you know someone who is a “Tabitha”? Are you a “Tabitha” to others? The activities […]
Support MLUMC’s 2023 German Trip
Treat Yourself to Pizza Kits, Cookies & More Plans for a trip to Germany in 2023 are in the works! Members of our church’s German Group, church members and friends will be visiting with our partner church friends in Zwickau. Whether you are planning to visit Germany or not, you can help with fundraising for […]
View a Recording of the Memorial Service for Rev. Roger G. Rulong, Sr.
On Saturday, May 15, 2021 at 11 am, a Memorial Service for Rev. Roger G. Rulong, Sr. was held at Mt. Lebanon United Methodist Church. If you missed attending or watching the live stream of the Memorial Service for Rev. Roger G. Rulong, Sr. , you can still watch it from this website. Selecting the […]
Sunday School From Home Week of May 9
Sunday School From Home The disciples solve a conflict in the early church by designating seven people to help distribute food to all in need. The activities are appropriate for a variety of ages including adults. You can forward this on to anyone else in or out of the church that you think will enjoy […]