Doing the Good

To Our Mt. Lebanon United Methodist Family, We would like to provide some support to people who for one reason or another may be unable to get out and pick up groceries, prescriptions, or other necessities of life.  If you are in need, or simply desire a phone call from a church member, please let […]

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40acts: The Lent Generosity Challenge

Wondering how to stay connected during this time of physical distancing?  Join in an electronic Lenten devotional with Christian Education Director Kim Rhoton and some members of the Friday Morning Women’s Bible Study group. This devotion was chosen because of its focus on generosity during Lent.  Participation requires you to have the YouVersion Bible App on […]

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Sunday School From Home

During these challenging times, church members, friends and families are not able to meet together at the church for Sunday School. Christian Education Director Kim Rhoton has come up with an idea to remedy that – how about if the church brings Sunday School to you? Each week Kim will provide the story that would […]

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Coronavirus COVID-19

A letter from Pastor Strandburg PSALM 46 God is our refuge and strength,    a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change,     though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam,     though the mountains tremble with its tumult.   There is a […]

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All are invited to 5 FREE or FREE WILL OFFERING Fish Fries at 2 churches. Starting at Mt. Lebanon United Methodist Church, we’ll be serving on Friday, February 28 and on Good Friday, April 10. The Dinners are from 4-7 pm at Asbury Center. Our neighbor, Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church, is serving on March 13, […]

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