Lament – Repent – Act

Friends and Colleagues of the Pittsburgh District, Last week several of the clergy of the Pittsburgh District worked with DS Dawn to craft a statement responding to racial injustice and our own white privilege.  Below is a link to that statement – a letter. We are inviting United Methodists from throughout Western PA (clergy and laity) […]

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Sunday School From Home Week of June 7

Here is our Sunday School From Home program for June 7. We’ve put together Sunday School ideas for this week around the theme of dramatic changes in life, like our Bible story of Saul’s conversion from a persecutor of Christians to Paul, the disciple of Jesus. The activities are appropriate for a variety of ages […]

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2020 Graduates

Congratulations to MLUMC’s 2020 graduates . Before taking a look at our short video of this year’s graduates, let’s share in a blessing. “May your voices rise up to pronounce justice and peace in the world. May your achievements grow and cause growth in your communities. And may we all know the overwhelming blessings of […]

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