
Making a pledge to give to the church is a way to commit and put your faith into action. At Mount Lebanon, we take your pledge seriously and use your pledge to plan the life and operation of our church ministries, mission, and maintenance of our buildings and facilities.

You can make your pledge online at anytime using the form below.

2025 Online Pledge

N.O.W. – Nurture, Outreach, and Witness

I/We dedicate ourselves to “Nurture, Outreach, and Witness.”


    I/We prayerfully commit to step out in faith and pledge the following tithes and offerings in support:

    Pledge Details

    Weekly for 52 weeksMonthly for 12 monthsOne time yearly

    Your information

    Anonymous - Please do not publish my name in church publications.

    * required field

    Please submit by November 24, 2024.  This commitment may be revised or cancelled at any time at your request.